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SKU: SOLAX-BMS-G2-HV-T58-8-46.4
  • Name : SolaX BMS Parallel Box with Triple Power T58 HV 46.4kWh
  • Vendor : SolaX
  • Type : Storage Systems
  • Manufacturing : 2024 / 05 / 22
  • Barcode : SOLAX-BMS-G2-HV-T58-8-46.4
This part is made up of the following items:
7 x HV11550-58-SLAVE-V2 SolaX Triple Power HV 5.8kWh LFP Extension Battery SLAVE V2
1 x HV-T-BAT-H-58-MASTER-V2 SolaX Triple Power HV 5.8kWh LFP Main Battery MASTER V2
1 x SOLAX-BMS-PB-G2 SOLAX BMS Parallel Box G2

Package of:‚ Solax BMS Parallel Box and‚ SolaX Triple Power 5.8 Master and Slave Batteries

The Solax BMS Parallel Box is an advanced battery management system that enables seamless parallel connection of multiple batteries, ensuring efficient energy utilisation and enhanced performance. With its cutting-edge technology and robust design, this parallel box is the ideal choice for residential and commercial applications.

Possible System Configurations


  • X1 “ Single Phase: 2, 4 or 6 Triple Power 5.8kWh batteries.‚
  • X3 “ Three Phase: 4, 6, 8 Triple Power 5.8kWh batteries.‚

BMS Parallel Box II G2 Installation Video

Please note:

  • Unlike G1 version of BMS-Parallel Box this G2 now works with T58 Master‚ batteries, meaning it is easier to retro-fit to existing systems
  • A minimum of 2 batteries (single phase) and 4 batteries (three-phase) must be used with this product.

If you have any technical queries about this product or wish to report any issues with the information on this page then please use the Contact Form to contact us.
586.3 kg
Battery Type:
Lithium Ion
Nominal Energy:
46400 Wh
Depth of discharge:
90.00 %
920 V
Continuous Discharge Rate (Normal Use):
22300 W
Maximum Discharge Rate (5 Minutes):
3500 W
Surge Discharge Rate (15 Seconds):
32000 W
Maximum Charge Rate (5 Minutes):
3500 W
