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Fox ECS 4.14kWh HV Battery (Master)
Fox ECS 4.14kWh HV Battery (Slave)
Fox ECS EC4800-2H, 4.74kWh HV Battery (Master)
Fox ECS EC4800-2H, 4.74kWh HV Battery (Slave)
Fox ECS HV ECM2900 Conector Type B, 14.4kWh 1x Master 4x Slave
Fox ECS HV ECM2900 Connector Type A, 17.28kWh 1x Master 5x Slave
Fox ECS HV ECM2900 Connector Type A, 20.16kWh 1x Master 6x Slave (Full Stack)
Fox ECS HV ECM2900 Connector Type A, 5.76kWh 1x Master 1x Slave
Fox ECS HV ECM2900 Connector Type A, 8.64kWh 1x Master 2x Slave
Fox ECS HV ECM2900 Connector Type A,11.52kWh 1x Master 3x Slave

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